Monday, October 25, 2010

More photo sharing!

Time sure does fly when you're having fun!
I can't believe it's already been a week since our 10 day Honeymoon/Vacation to Texas, most of which was spent on Padre Island with a view of the ocean.  My husband and I had such an amazing time.  Somewhere between spending hours upon hours exploring Padre Island's beaches, visiting local and historical locations and travelling in a rental car(Catch me on facebook for full story on this car); I managed to capture an astounding 16 cards worth of images, plus 2 rolls of slide film, and point & shoot images(& My husband didn't once complain!?! [even with a near loss of data from a corrupted card]).  On with the show:

We saw many awesome sunrises...

We witnessed some active wildlife too...

Some more wildlife...

Saw some beautiful flora...

One of several fiesty blue claw crabbies...

A shy Hermit Crab...

First time seeing a live jellyfish(This one is a Sea Nettle)...

First time seeing a living starfish...

Loved the waves crashing in...

Witnessed some beautifully lit scenes...

Have I mentioned the sunsets?!?...

That concludes all of my image sharing for now...

Anyways, so yes, not only do I have more images to shuffle through, but I have also decided to scrapbook this honeymoon adventure, as well as our post wedding Mackinac trip, dubbed honeymoon 1.o(noted in previous posting). 
If you're interested in following my other photo uploads you can check me out elsewhere on the web with

With all the things to come, I look forward to uploading more images, working on my scrapbooks, spending time with my husband, and everything else in between.  Life sure is busy, and it doesn't look to be slowing down.  I just pray I am able to slow down long enough to capture all the memories along the way!

Until next time!
~ Jennifer