Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy [day after] Halloween!

  Halloween was such a blast this year. It's amazing the things you can do when you aren't required to be at work doing other things. Josh and I were able to spend our first official Halloween together at the house passing out candy. We managed to give away all of our candy despite having an overall low number of kids out(compared to how many kids went out when I was younger).

  In addition to being home, I was able to put up a whole bunch of lights! I have ALWAYS wanted to light up my house, but was never able to when I lived with my folks. Now, there are lights nearly everywhere. In the windows, in the screen door, even found out that orange icicle lighting looks awesome along my garden edging. So, needless to say we had the brightest house on the block! 

  The only thing we wish we could have down, would have been to don costumes ourselves. Although even if we had, no one would have been the wiser, as we bundled up to beat the cold weather.
  Oh, I almost forgot to mention the pumpkins!  Between the two of us, we carved four, count them FOUR pumpkins.  All of which stuck to a Futurama theme, later renamed as "Pumpkin"-rama 2010.  I found the stencil for the Bender pumpkin online here.  For the other three I ended up utilizing my photoshop skills to create line drawings from some Windows icons that I found.  Both Josh, I, and all the neighbors who walked by during Trick-or-Treating loved the final products.  So the time spent turned out to be worth it.  To answer one question we were asked quite often, no, we did not use any dremels to do our carvings.

Close-ups of the two I carved:


Bender Bending Rodríguez

Until Next time,

Monday, October 25, 2010

More photo sharing!

Time sure does fly when you're having fun!
I can't believe it's already been a week since our 10 day Honeymoon/Vacation to Texas, most of which was spent on Padre Island with a view of the ocean.  My husband and I had such an amazing time.  Somewhere between spending hours upon hours exploring Padre Island's beaches, visiting local and historical locations and travelling in a rental car(Catch me on facebook for full story on this car); I managed to capture an astounding 16 cards worth of images, plus 2 rolls of slide film, and point & shoot images(& My husband didn't once complain!?! [even with a near loss of data from a corrupted card]).  On with the show:

We saw many awesome sunrises...

We witnessed some active wildlife too...

Some more wildlife...

Saw some beautiful flora...

One of several fiesty blue claw crabbies...

A shy Hermit Crab...

First time seeing a live jellyfish(This one is a Sea Nettle)...

First time seeing a living starfish...

Loved the waves crashing in...

Witnessed some beautifully lit scenes...

Have I mentioned the sunsets?!?...

That concludes all of my image sharing for now...

Anyways, so yes, not only do I have more images to shuffle through, but I have also decided to scrapbook this honeymoon adventure, as well as our post wedding Mackinac trip, dubbed honeymoon 1.o(noted in previous posting). 
If you're interested in following my other photo uploads you can check me out elsewhere on the web with

With all the things to come, I look forward to uploading more images, working on my scrapbooks, spending time with my husband, and everything else in between.  Life sure is busy, and it doesn't look to be slowing down.  I just pray I am able to slow down long enough to capture all the memories along the way!

Until next time!
~ Jennifer

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Photo Share Time

I've finally had time to go through some of our photos from what has been dubbed "Honeymoon 1.o."  After our awesome wedding in early July, we ventured up for a long weekend to Mackinaw City, as well as a day spent on Mackinac Island.  Today, I have a handful of images to share from the trip.  I think you may find them enjoyable, and I hope soon to share more from this specific trip.

Without further ado:

Until next time...

Friday, August 27, 2010


So in my "free" time while not either at work or shooting an event of some sort, I have found myself shooting a variety of things around the house.  The majority of which has to do with food.  In some cases, I have taken shots of preparing food, shooting images of a variety of things coming out of my garden, or the final product of how dinner turned out.
  I have found in the short time Josh and I have been married that I thoroughly enjoy making food and trying new recipes.  The only unfortunate thing is that not everything is exactly good for you, if you know what I mean!

Until next time, I will leave you with a feast for the eyes (I apologize for the bad pun nothing).

Things from my garden:

One of my fun oven mitts:

From meals:

(these were soooo good!)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Change of pace

Hi All!
The past week or so has been a bit of a change of pace.  The Komen photos as you can see have been available online, and I've wrapped shooting some product toy shots - which was pretty fun - and as far as I can tell my being in weddings has come to a close.  Currently I am in the midst of helping my husband around the house to get things ready and planning for our official honeymoon coming in October. 

As summer slowly winds down as the kids head back to school, I look forward to the fall color and all it brings.  I look forward to photographing landscapes and portraits alike, especially in the pumpkin patches - what fun!!  In the meantime I have some personal studio shot ideas I am putting together and hope to get those going, though it is difficult to stay indoors in the weather we've been experiencing lately - my garden has provided much fun and delight this season!! I am going to miss it greatly!
Anyways, I am off to do a few chores and plan for dinner...  Perhaps I will take some photographic evidence....
Hope you are having a wonderful Sunday,
for now, I will leave you with one of my recent nature shots!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Komen Ride Photos!

Hi All!

If you haven't heard the word already, be sure to check out the ride photos from the Susan G. Komen Ride for the Cure, August 7, 2010.  You can reach them by going here.  From there you can choose which catergory to view.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via email at

Once again, I want to commend everyone who was involved in this first successful bike riding event!  It was a blast to be a part of.  THANK YOU. 

I hope everyone enjoys the photos!


PS.  Congratulations also goes out to my big brother, Joe, and his new beautiful bride, Theresa.  Welcome to the family!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Great ride!

Wow.  What an experience!

  The Ride went great yesterday!  You couldn't have asked for better weather.  Mostly sunny, not too hot with a slight breeze for the better part of the day.  The day was filled with incredible personal stories of experiences dealing with breast cancer.  While emotional, everyone was happy to be there, either celebrating those who lost there battle, or those who have survived and are there simply to help those others still battling.  If ever you need strength in a battle of your own, knowing/listening/hearing what some of these women, as well as men and their familes, have gone through can certainly inspire anyone to be motivated.

  As for the photos taken throughout the day, we did our best to capture everyone and everything we could.  We did our best to capture the activities around base camp, at the aid stations we were able to get to, as well as many riders as we could doing their respective rides, whether on the 27, 57 or 97 mile rides.

  I am grateful for my experience working with all of the volunteers and Komen Foundation for this ride, and not just looking forward to getting photos up, but look forward to the future possibilites in the coming years.  To everyone who was involved in this ride, I commend you on a job well done, and congratulate those who did there best and gave their all on the routes, both volunteers and riders.

  Also a big congratulations to Tracy and Todd on doing an absolutely AWESOME job with getting the ride to come together.  They not only met but exceeded their expectations for the ride in both the number of riders, but in the overall funds raised.  Todd & Tracy:

Friday, August 6, 2010

Komen Ride Tomorrow!

Tomorrow is a big day!  I'm looking forward to tomorrow's Komen Ride for the Cure in Ann Arbor.  I've been spending my(furlough) day preparing my equipment, clearing my cards, and trying to do all of the house chores with the hopes of spending Sunday both relaxing and preparing the images from the ride to go on the web.

We're also excited for the ride's Volunteer meeting tonight as we will be going over everything in regards to tomorrow.  After the meeting we're planning on scouting the route(s) for places to shoot the riders as they pedal by!

Later for now, there is still much[chores] to do!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Happy August!

Welcome to the new blog!  There is so much to catch up on!  Awesome things are happening - with even more coming up!

First off, this week Josh [my husband] will be celebrating our 1 month anniversary since we've been married - yay!  We've been having fun looking at all of our images from the big day.  A Big thank you to our photographer of choice, Kim Allmand - you can see some of her work over at

Next up on Saturday[August 7] we'll be in Ann Arbor shooting the first ever Susan G. Komen Mid-Michigan Ride for the Cure.  We're looking forward to capturing this emotional day as riders from all over put themselves to the test in the 27, 57, or 97 mile ride.  To read more on this ride or to figure out how you can get involved check out

On a side note, I came upon a whole bunch of slide protectors!  Why would I make such a big deal about it?  No one sells them anymore! - and now I will be in the process of organizing my piles of slides, revisiting memories, and, as soon as I have time, will be scanning some in to hopefully share with everyone!

Happy Birthday Allison!